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please don't be in love with someone else.

October 26, 2010


I think this year has possibly been one of the best years of my life
So much has happened and I have met so many amazing people
I've come to not care what people think of me (my new years resoloution at the beggining of the year) and I've come to like myself, because honestly if you dont be true to yourself and accept yourself for who YOU are, not what people want you to be, how do you expect your friends or your family or even your boyfriend to accept you.
I love who I am, and what I do.
I do not care what you think of me, unless you my mum, hers is the only opinnion that matters to me, as they say 'mum knows best' she really really does. she has always been there for me, no matter what the problems have been, she always has the best advice to give, and i love her with my whole heart.

So I guess some amazing things that have happened to me in 2O1O are:
- I have achieved good results in my main subjects at school, often consistent 100% which is amazing for me because I didnt care about school or family or friends at all thi time 2 years ago.
- I have learnt to appreciate my friends. Because I guess, they wont always be around
- I have bought parramatta eels footy shorts, which are comfortable for all occassions, and are possibly the most useful thing I bought this year!
- I have made mistakes, and moved on.
- I have not had a consistent relationship, not saying im like a slut, and thats amazing for me, but I guess I learnt not to depend on a boy to make you happy, because he wont always.
- I have learnt to be fitter, and look after myself better
- I have learnt how to use twitter successfully
- I have watched so many episodes of friends that its not even funny
- I have started this blog!
- I have made new friends, pretty much my whole school, I dont hate anyone, because if you spend so much time hating on someone, your just has bad as the people who are obsessed with them. Its not good for you
- I have decided what I want to do when I finish school; degree in journalism by correspondence with UNSW 2 years study time, and then a one year cadetship.
- I have coloured my hair from blonde highlights back to brown.
- I have embraced a new style of music; indie <3
- I have found some amazing pictures hahah!
- I have gone to a tea party; and worn heels for the first time
- I have eaten an eggplant
- I have eaten a worm
- I have really tried to not talk about people behind their backs
- I have become confident in my religion; Christian <3
- I have collected videos to make a 2O1O video for the end of the year
- I have fallen flat on my face, and now I display a lovley scar on my forhead each day haha!
- I have gone on a very long hike
- I have begun to like Justin Bieber!

I do not know what else to say as of the moment, but when I do, you will all be the first to know!
Love you all who read this (:
- Jessie . xo.

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