1. Taylor Swift's music
2. The beach
3. Feeling healthy
4. Sausage Dogs
5. Boys with brown hair
6. Major shopping spree's
7. My mum
8. Acoustic Guitar
9. Hugs
10. Skateboards
11. Having money in my bank
12. Not knowing whats going to happen next
13. This blog
14. All you can eat
15. 'Friends' (as in the tv show)
16. Fruit Tingles
17. Staying in pj's all day just cos i can
18. Being adventurous
19. Seeing my hard work pay off
20. Clothes straight out of the dryer in winter
21. Vintage bikes
22. pancakes with maple syrup
23. A day to remember
24. Mayday Parade
25. Talking
26. Getting cute texts
27. FOOD.
28. surfer boys
29. The beach at night
30. Zac Efron
31. Ocean Pools
32. Being Australian
33. Knowing what matters and what never did.
34. Singing movies
35. Boys with dimples
36. Parramatta Eels
37. Movies
38. Eating outside
39. My family
40. Redecorating
41. Rain at night time
42. Doing my best
43. No expectations.
44. Icebergs
45. Summer
47. Russell Brand
48. The Australian Open
49. snow
50. School Holidays.
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